Team Diagnostic™ Assessment Process
Team Resource Coaching uses the Team Diagnostic™ Assessment tool and a facilitation process that is unlike any other in the marketplace. It is an on-line assessment that measures the team as a system in its current state. It measures both productivity and positivity factors of the team as a system, not of the individuals that comprise the team. All responses are anonymous, which creates and open, honest feedback process.
The Assessment tool is customized to meet specific team requirements. It yields a powerful mapping process to identify next steps for team development with strong accountability for team members. The Assessment provides an accurate benchmark for teams and serves as a jumping-off point for important conversations. In the end, it is the team that will decide the course direction for the next phase of the journey.
Team members will receive invitations via e-mail to complete the on-line Team Diagnostic™ Assessment. This tool is designed to effectively capture results while minimizing team members’ time. All responses are completely anonymous. The assessment has 80 questions. Three open-ended, customized questions will be added to probe specific, current issues affecting the team. (By way of example, a question might ask the team members to identify what they consider as the top three priorities for the organization.) The assessment takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete on-line.
The results are provided at a high macro level and then progressively drill down to very specific measures and issues for the team, i.e. top high and low factors for the team to be conscious of and to focus its development.
The results of the assessment are used by the coach/facilitator to design the team development retreats.
To download a sample Team Diagnostic™ Assessment report, click here
The Team Diagnostic™ Model
The high-performance team model and diagnostic assessment are based on research that shows that most successful teams have the means in place to take productive action and to build effective relationships that motivate and sustain the action. Correspondingly, the Team Diagnostic™ model is built on two fundamental axes: factors that optimize productivity and factors that promote positivity and neutralize negativity.
The following graphic illustrates some of the characteristics of teams according to where they fall in the four quadrants of High and Low Positivity and Productivity: